Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Song Dynasty :: essays research papers
The Song Dynasty The Song administration kept going more than 300 years, from 960 to 1279. Their history is isolated into two times of Northern and Southern Song. The Song time frame was one of China's generally quiet and prosperous period. Anyway the Song government was degenerate and frail. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã The Song Dynasty, or Sung Dynasty was a period in which the Chinese government was feeble. At the outset General Chao K'uang-yin, likewise known as Sung T'ai Tsu, had to become ruler so as to bring together China. Sung T'ai Tsu made a national armed force under his immediate control. He, and just he had control of the military. When he had died his less skilled replacements couldn't monitor the military, the military progressively lost distinction. The debilitating of China's military, corresponded with the ascent of solid traveling countries on the guests. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã During a similar time of the military's loss of renown, the common administration rose in nobility. This was an assessment framework that had been reestablished in Sui and T'ang and was additionally explained and regularized. Determination assessments were help at regular intervals at the area, commonplace, and metropolitan levels. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Only 200 out of thousands of candidates were conceded the jinshi degree. This was the furthest extent and delegated on government posts. From this time on, government employees turned into China's most begrudged world class, supplanting the genetic aristocrats also, proprietors. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã The Song tradition just reached out over to the pieces of prior Chinese realms. The Khitans controlled the northeastern domains and the His Hsia controlled the northwestern regions. The Song sovereigns couldn't recoup these terrains so they had to make harmony with the Khitans and the Hsi Hsia. They gave monstrous measures of installments to the brutes, under these harmony terms, it exhausted the state treasury and cause overwhelming installments on taxpaying workers. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã About 100 years after the Songs previously began administering once again China, their government began to experience a significant decay. Authorities that held significant government positions were degenerate. Affluent shippers that got rich from outside exchange discovered approaches to abstain from covering charges. The workers started to revolt when the substantial charges were put on them. The Song Dynasty had a great deal of issues, in 1069 Emperor Shen Tsung named Wang A shi as boss priest. Wang was a researcher who concentrated before Chinese governments. Wang saw the degenerate government and made immense change in the administration. His changes depended on the content of 'Rituals of Chou'. Wang attempted to get fair, keen authorities by improving the college framework. He made common assessments increasingly down to earth and improved the legitimacy framework to diminish defilement among government authorities.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Increasing the hardware Essay Example for Free
Expanding the equipment Essay Dynamic As any business develops, they are continually hoping to extend all angles ofâ their business. With this development, the expense of expanding the equipment and programming required for the extension is likewise expanding. Numerous organizations are searching for approaches to keep or even smooth out the equipment they presently have yet extend. They need an approach to have their clients sign into their site and go to a focal server however need all the essential records for the clients to be put away somewhere else which will speed up the server. To be effective in todayââ¬â¢s showcase, numerous organizations are understanding the need of utilizing innovation. As an ever increasing number of organizations utilize more innovation, their IT foundation can't deal with all the traffic because of the absence of accessible server/extra room expected to satisfy the expanding needs of the clients. Regardless of whether the business is little or a huge enterprise, finding the required accessible server/extra room is turning into a consistently expanding issue. Attempting to take care of this issue, numerous organizations have started to search for an elective answer for store a large number of their business records from their own primary PCs, this is called distributed storage. Consider how you have an outside hard drive that you use to store records from the hard drive of your PC, the distributed storage works similarly. The main exemption is that you don't claim the outer stockpiling, you lease the extra room from somebody who deals with all the upkeep and refreshing of the site. JPCexpress has been working for a long time with their own inner stockpiling abilities and now are in the market to extend their business. The present server space that the organization possesses is being impeded by the measures of information it needs to utilize day by day so they need a more current answer for their capacity issues with the goal that they can keep on offering their creation offices and clients the most ideal help. Following day administration separates this organization from other online organizations and I will demonstrate what should be done to assist then with continueing to achieve this with a basic server space arrangement. Organization Background JPCexpress is a pioneer in the web based printing industry. They utilize trend setting innovation that permits the client to put in a request and have it printed and conveyed the following day. There are numerous web based printing associations, however JPCexpress was one of the main that offered 24 hour conveyance in the event that you submit your request by a specific time the day preceding. Theâ company was established in 2001 that offered printing as a help so the client approaches all the organization printing business arrangements permitting them to submit their requests directly on the organization site. The client doesn't need to put any monies into their own printing foundation and the staff that would be expected to look after it. JPCexpress offers its administrations to a wide range of associations of all sizes that would prefer not to problem with having inner printing capacities. Because of the client having the option to transfer all their data to assist us with playin g out the required administrations, this takes up a great deal of extra room. JPCexpress works three immense distribution centers that are deliberately positioned the nation over. Inside every office, they house all the equipment and programming expected to lead the printing business alongside all the equipment and programming required for the IT side of the business. The clients can utilize our site as their own so they realize they will get precisely the item they need. Our groups of architects are continually presenting new administrations and answers for the clients and they have them incorporate the new advancements into our foundation month to month. The explanation we possess the quickest turnaround energy for web based printing organizations is because of the way that our clients can utilize our webpage as their own to make and request their printing needs. We have become a pioneer in the web based printing world as a result of our client care, simplicity and speed of our online administrations and the way that we promise you will have your request the following day on the off chance that you meet the day by day cut off time. Conversation of Business Problem During times of pinnacle use, the measure of information utilized is overpowering. JPCexpress is a first class printing business however because of our stockpiling abilities, we do have issues that will ease back the support of our clients. This is an issue in light of the fact that the planning of the gradualness (can keep clients from making the cut off time for following day administration) which legitimately identifies with client care and consumer loyalty. The fundamental issue is that when there are numerous clients on the framework, it eases back down and forestalls convenience. I imagine that JPCexpress could profit by rising innovation as distributed computing or could capacity. Expanding our capacity limit would keep the framework from easing back down and loss of information. Any IT office inside any business in every case needs better approaches to expand the capacities of their present foundation without putting resources into new equipment, new permitting requirementsâ or investing the energy and monies to prepare and employ new work force. Because of the expanding measures of information required by our current clients and the expansion of new clients, individuals from our IT office needs to physically go into the framework and dispose of old records and clear any excess information. This happens when our framework turns out to be moderate which eases back the utilization of our creation devices and this all indicates a misfortune in the measure of work that can be performed. On the off chance that the association was to utilize distributed computing, the issue of overpowering the framework could be stayed away from. Distributed computing includes any membership based or pay-per-use administration that, continuously over the Internet, expands its current capacities (Gruman, 2012). Utilization of the cloud could start at our halfway found office for preliminary purposes until we check whether utilizing it is advantageous to both the clients and to our investors. Significant Level Solution For some, organizations, having enough extra room to hold all the data they have procured from their clients and the working of interior strategic approaches is a genuine test that getting progressively harder. Numerous associations have gone to erasing immense measures of information to open up space for the new information they have to remain refreshed and to keep on giving their clients astounding client care. Numerous organizations have gone to distributed storage to help alleviate this issue. Distributed storage goes about as a halfway found server whose principle reason for existing is for capacity as it were. Utilizing distributed storage, every one of the three offices can store and recover documents as they are required without putting resources into more foundation. When choosing to move to distributed storage, a couple of concerns will be raised. A few people imagine that distributed storage is less secure than nearby server farms and this isn't accurate. . At the point wh en the cloud have that IT chief work together the cloud host will encode the information and the business will store the keys to that encryption on it nearby system (Marsh, 2013). Many cloud suppliers offer dashboards to the customer so they can log and deal with the companyââ¬â¢s server farm. They can include more stockpiling on the off chance that they need and this is finished without adding any gear to expand capacity. I have checked two of the significant suppliers of distributed storage for estimating and adaptability. Amazon S3 is 99.9 percent solid and it is adaptable to accommodate your present business needs and furthermore can be changed to accommodate your future needs also (Amazon Webà Services, 2013). All information going into this distributed storage is scrambled for information security and you can choose what area you need to have your information put away in. Another brilliant advantage is that once the information is gone into the cloud, it is consequently supported up in the event that one framework bombs you will lose your information. All information transferred is for nothing yet they do charge for every GB of information that is mo ved or downloaded from the cloud. This appears to be quite sensible since we will keep up a focal server with just our servers signing into the cloud to recover the client data. Google distributed storage offers secure and safe distributed storage. It has configurable security controls and the cloud is adaptable so you can get what you need now and later on the off chance that you need more stockpiling you can generally include more (Google Cloud Storage, 2013). Looking between the Amazon and Google destinations, the two of them offer similar kinds of highlights yet I was unable to discover any information that says how dependable the Google cloud is. Additionally, checking the valuing from the two destinations, apparently Amazon is somewhat less expensive than Google is. Moving to distributed storage is a reasonable alternative to help fathom dormancy issues and site slack because of the tremendous measures of information being transmitted over our site. Advantages of Solving the Problem Taking care of this difficult utilizing distributed storage will speed up the servers the clients use to direct their business. The sped up the server will likewise take the customersââ¬â¢ arranges rapidly and get them to the ideal printing office to guarantee they make the cut off time for 24 hour conveyance. Executing the distributed storage arrangement at just a single office will permit the business time to check whether the cloud is a reasonable alternative to putting endless monies in overhauling our present offices. Utilizing the cloud will set aside us cash on account of the sped up at which the clients can utilize the framework, the speed in preparing the requests and furthermore set aside us cash since we won't need to employ extra faculty to keep up extra equipment or pay for permitting for extra programming. In an article composed by Joe McKendrick for Forbes magazine, he discusses the advantages of distributed computing for a business. Cost decrease â⬠utilizing cloud as capacity brings down exchange costs, limits the interest in equipment and programming and furthermore diminishes the requirement for an immense IT staff or for adding extra faculty to oversee you IT
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4 ways to prepare for a graduate school fair COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
4 ways to prepare for a graduate school fair COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The travel season kicked off in September, and things have really started to pick up. If youre planning to meet us while were on the road, then these tips from the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) will be useful. *** Research: Before attending a Graduate School Fair, research the participating schools. Prepare a list of questions that cannot be answered by their website. makes researching the leading international affairs graduate schools easy. At, you will find lists of degree programs, fields of specialization and other details on 60+ member s and affiliate school programs. Reading profiles will help you learn specifics about each program. Prioritize: After your research, prioritize which schools you want to speak with. Create a printed or digital list to focus your time. At the same time keep an open mind. Speak with other schools you might not know about. Schools you have overlooked may specialize in your area of interest or offer better financial aid. Engage: At the fair remember these three easy tips: show direction, convey your interests and express concerns. Showing direction helps counselors recommend specific programs or tracks of study. Sharing your interests helps you determine which schools share those interests. Expressing your concerns helps you understand what schools have to offer and what their expectations are of incoming students. These three easy tips will help you conduct a positive discussion with admissions counselors. After the Fair, follow up and thank the school representative. Find out if you can visit campus to continue the conversation. Apply: After you attend a Graduate School Fair, finalize your list of schools and apply. Before applying, we always recommend listening to our webinar on âBest Practices in Applying to Grad Schoolsâ which highlights: an application timeline, common application mistakes, frequently asked questions, funding options and much more. Visit APSIAs website to find upcoming fairs and presentations. To see where SIPA will be this travel season, view our Recruitment Calendar.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Islam and Incarnation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1278 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/10/10 Category Religion Essay Tags: Islam Essay Did you like this example? A son came to earth. He had no father, but God protected him. He had few followers, but he prophesied of a Kingdom. He did marvelous acts, but he was merely a man. This Jesus, according to the Koran, was a man of God, but he was not the God-man. This Jesus was not incarnate, not God taking up human flesh to make Himself known to His creation, for Allah must forever remain apart from his creation. Muslims believe they live in a world untouched by the incarnate God-man, and they do so happily because their doctrine so vehemently denies the incarnation. Islam fails because of its denial of the incarnation. Allahââ¬â¢s Character Al-Adl Allahââ¬â¢s justice demands payment that cannot be satisfied without the incarnation. To say that Allah is just is a gross understatement. One of Allahââ¬â¢s 99 names is Al-Adl, the utterly just, and Surah 95:8 leaves no room for argument on the issue. According to the Koran, if Allah was as just as he claims to be, there would be no life left on earth. Because Allah is just, he must exact payment for wrong each person has committed individually, but this is not what Islamic tradition consistently teaches. In one Sahih Bukhari hadith, a collection of Muhammedââ¬â¢s teachings gathered by his family and close friends in the years after his death, there is a story of a man who has committed 99 murders. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Islam and Incarnation" essay for you Create order Knowing that he has done great wrong and was coming to the end of his life, he seeks out a worthy Muslim to see what he must do to have Allah accept him. The murderer tells his story to the worthy Muslim, but the verdict came back that he would not be pardoned. Upon hearing the verdict, he kills the man and seeks out another Muslim in hopes of a different verdict. The man he finds is an even wiser Muslim who tells the murderer that he must go to a specific city and repent immediately. The murderer dies on his way to the city, and two angels, one an angel of mercy and the other of judgment, come to claim his body. A great argument ensues, and eventually a measurement is taken to see if he was nearer the city of repentance or the city he left and is found closer to the wrong city. Allah, being merciful and benevolent, shrinks the earth to make him closer the city of repentance so he could be in paradise. This story is not an example of a cherry-picked Hadith. Muslims commonly use this Hadith to teach the nobility of repentance, but they ignore the fact that Allah broke his character of justice to save the murderer. Justice cannot be satisfied without payment; a consistent God cannot wink away sin. The incarnation solves the problem of justice through Jesusââ¬â¢ death on the cross. Al-Kabir Allahââ¬â¢s greatness diminishes without the incarnation. Allah is Al-Kabir, the great, as listed in the 99 names of Allah as well. One former Muslim went as far as to say that Allahââ¬â¢s greatness is the anchor of Islam. There is an almost universal understanding that love is the motivaton for every great action. Through the pen of Paul, Scripture affirms that love must motivate your actions for them to have worth because Scriptureââ¬â¢s standard for love is extremely high. Jesus, whose words are deeply respected by Muslims, calls His followers to love even those who hate them, and He even goes a step farther to tell His followers to pray for them. The Koran does not have such a high view of love as the Bible does. While it does commend a natural type of love where a man cares for those who care about him, the fundamental distinction is that love is only for those who deserve it, not for the unlovable and our enemies. The Koranââ¬â¢s small view of love eliminates the possibility of the incarnation which led to the greatest act of love of all time. ââ¬Å"If God is the Greatest Possible Being, and love is the greatest ethic, where do we find love expressed in the greatest possible wayâ⬠ââ¬â the cross. Even if the incarnation did happen, Muslims vehemently deny the historicity of the cross and generally hold to a replacement theory. The replacement theory, that Jesus went all the way to the cross, but at the last moment, Allah took Jesusââ¬â¢ appearance and placed it on another man so that another man was crucified, does not solve the problem of Allahââ¬â¢s greatness. If the replacement theory were true, that would mean Allah personally started one of the largest false religions in the world which is anything but great. Allahââ¬â¢s greatness requires an act of love with as much magnitude as the cross, but the Koranââ¬â¢s denial of the incarnation makes it impossible for Allah to manifest his greatness in the greatest possible way. The Christianââ¬â¢s Responsibility For Christians, it is important not only to point out the deficiencies of Islam regarding the incarnation, but they must lovingly transition to sharing truth for the purpose of evangelism. What set apart Christââ¬â¢s ministry was that He found people where they were, but He did not leave them there. Christians must do the same and can do so because of the nature of the Gospel. The Gospel exhibits compossibility, the existence of two contradictory things at the same time similar to a paradox. Godââ¬â¢s justice demands sacrifice, and Godââ¬â¢s mercy demands that our sin be paid for. By the miraculous incarnation and death of Jesus, both are met, and Christians can be enthusiastic to share this glorious news. Muslims need to see passionate belief in the life of a Christian before they will open their heart to Scriptureââ¬â¢s message. While Christian educators do have a place teaching accurate reading and interpretation of a text to their students that would, if a Muslim applied these techniques to the Koran, show its self-contradictions, a Muslimââ¬â¢s greatest need is to see a passionate belief in a Christianââ¬â¢s daily walk with God. Christians can best display their passion when they have a personal relationship with a Muslim and have semi-private moments with him. A close, personal relationship built on trust means people with positions like athletic coaches or private music instructors have incredible platforms for reaching young Muslims who are more likely to leave their faith. Summary The Islamic denial of the incarnation dismantles its theology of Allah. Islam deceives its followers by promising the more like Muhammed a person becomes, the purer his heart will be, but the Christian knows Jesus must make his heart pure in order to be like Him. Furthermore, if Muhammed is the best intercessor mankind has, then mankind is hopeless because not even Muhammed could not fully plead for his uncle except to get him to the lowest form of hell where he would wear sandals that caused his brains to boil. Muhammed did not incarnate to become a good intercessor, and Allah, unlike the true God, is distant and unknowable. Jesus, God in human flesh, paid the penalty all humans could not pay; He is the perfect intercessor who enables men to know God personally and have a relationship with Him. Christians must be passionate about the Gospel, build relationships for the sake of it, and boldly declare it to those who desperately need it. Muslims need to know that the without the incarnation, Allahââ¬â¢s justice and greatness are thrown to the wayside, but through the incarnation man may know and have a relationship with a great, just God.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Forensic evidence on Major criminal case Free Essay Example, 1250 words
Matt Zoellner, who was Hettrickââ¬â¢s ex-boyfriend, also testified during the trials hearings and investigations. However, for Matt Zoellner, it is agreeable that he did not qualify to testify against masters since he had also been previously suspected of the murder but ruled out. Furthermore, he was the last person to be seen with Hettrick before her body was discovered. According to how tough the case was, particularly due to lack of any shred of physical evidence linking Masters to the Murder; it is more than evident that the jury did not weigh the pieces of evidence presented heavily. This is because, throughout the investigations, Masters maintained his innocence even in the absence of an adult. To add on that, the two hairs and the anonymous fingerprints in Hettrickââ¬â¢s purse did not correspond Masters. Furthermore, some of the jurors had uncertainties about Masters guilt. The case also majorly concentrated on one suspect, Masters. Other suspects including Matthew Zoel lner and Dr. Richard Hammond were not investigated as such. For instance, Dr. Richard Hammond as a professional eye surgeon was highly connected to the murder. We will write a custom essay sample on Forensic evidence on Major criminal case or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now One, because he had the surgical skills for doing the mutilations on Hettrick body and two, he had previously been arrested and summoned for filming female genitals in toilets. Additionally, Hammonds bedroom window directly faced the scene where the dead body was found. The lack of further investigations or follow-ups by the investigators and the jury merely depicted that the forensic evidence were not heavily weighed. The author of the ââ¬Å"Peggy Hettrick murder caseâ⬠does have original direct source knowledge of the evidence because the key points and aspects in the article explains the various strengths and weaknesses of the all the evidence found, investigated, and used for final conviction. The author also effectively analyzes the situation by maintaining a balance in explaining some of the facts that were overlooked and those that directly connect to Masters, the primary suspect, to the murder. Moreover, the impartial analysis of the t estimonials, suspects, and how the jury reached their final verdict also depicts the author as unbiased and one who is trustworthy (Lichtenwald, 2009, p. 53). One of the most important aspects to note is that, as much as the forensic science applications for the Peggy Hettrick murder case were appropriate, the evidences were overlooked because Masters drawings and art could typically represent what he saw at the murder scene coupled with some personal problems he might have been battling with.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Best/Worst Teacher Free Essays
Dear Mrs. Jane: My name is Jessica Smith, I was a 5th grade student of yours in during the 1996/1997 school year. At that time you may have known me as Jessica Cuevas. We will write a custom essay sample on Best/Worst Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am now in college pursuing a career in teaching. Recently I have been asked to write a letter to my favorite teacher and you were the first to pop in mind. Till this day I can think back and remember sitting in your class the first day of school, your desk and chalkboard outlined à with your collection of trolls! I knew right then that you were going to be a fun teacher. I remember being confused because there was no wall separating us from the the other classroom (Mrs. Sueââ¬â¢s 5th grade class), yet excited to hear what it was all about. Before attending your class I wasnââ¬â¢t very engaged in learning or going to school, I didnââ¬â¢t have many friends, I had just moved to town the year before. As soon as that day ended I went home eager to return to school the next day, and this feeling never changed for the whole year. You were always smiling, and very energetic when you interacted with our class. When you would explain our assignments you would get us excited and make it into a competition with our neighboring class. The marbles in the Jar, oh.. how i loved this on going game. The winning class had an option to pick from many random prizes. My favorite was the half day reading parties. We would bring our pillows and blankets from home and for the first half of the day we would read, and the second half we could play board games, listen to music, or watch movies. I was always motivated to do my best and to try my hardest, à in order to win the marbles. You had many ways of keeping me excited,motivated and interested in going to school. You opened my eyes to a fun,creative learning environment. You made feel like a friend and not just some student. I hope to someday be able to inspire students as you have inspired me. Thank you for making a wonderful impact so early in my life. I will carry those values throughout my teaching career. Sincerely, Jessica Smith Worst Teacher Letter Dear Mr. John: Teaching is not for everyone. I can understand how teaching high school students can be annoying and frustrating at times. We have multiple mood swings, and are trying to figure out how to fit in, however i donââ¬â¢t feel that we should be ignored or treated like robots with no feeling. School should be a place we feel comfortable to go to on a daily bases, teachers should always be someone we can talk to and ask questions . From the very first day of class you came across as very strict and rude. You gave us one direction that we were to follow each and every day for the rest of the school year. That was to always bring our book to class, outline the chapter, answer the questions to the chapter, and do the written essay at the end of the chapter, everything should be completed and placed on your desk as we walked out. We were not to talk, get out of our seats or ask questions. No exceptions! Zero tolerance you made sure to get that point across. One day I forgot my book at home, I felt intimidated to go to class not knowing how you would react, other teachers would have just let me share with another classmate but not you. You made me stand in front of the classroom the whole period holding the eraser against the chalkboard. It was pretty humiliating, on the bright side of things I never forgot my book again. Every day was the same thing, just a different chapter. You wouldnââ¬â¢t even greet us when we walked thru the door, we would just sit and get started. You sat at your desk reading books,newspaper, and magazines while never acknowledging us. How could you call yourself a teacher I always wondered? I strongly wish you have changed your ways, and rediscover the passion for teaching I hope you once had. Sincerely, Jessica Smith Why the Profession? At age eleven my family began to do foster care. We always had two or four kids ranging from newborns to teenagers. All the children came from broken house holds, many exposed to drugs, abuse and neglect. They all seemed to share the same qualities low self esteem, trouble trusting, adjusting ,adapting, and staying focused in school. They needed someone to love and care for them. All these frustrations and unhappiness caused many of them to have behavioral problems. My mother opened her heart to help them with all these issues, having the patience to teach them values and principles,bonding and investing genuine love and care for these children. As I grew older I began to notice the impact we as a family where making in these kids lives. I contributed in every way I could to try to help. At this point in life I knew I wanted to work with children. I have always been the creative type, I love all forms of art. I attended the Fashion institute of Design and Merchandise, and while I was there I realized that all my best projects and assignments were aimed à towards children. Any time I could pick my target audience it would be children. Children is what I know, they influence and inspire me. I à realized à that children are my passion. This is why I chose this profession. I see myself teaching kindergarten or first grade. I want to be the first to plant the seed. I want kids to enjoy learning by allowing them to explore in creative ways. Teaching them to share, and the basic fundamentals they will need for the future. Children this age group are the funnest to me, they have so many questions, they are craving to learn,seeking a new adventure every day. I want à to create an environment where they feel comfortable and inspired to learn. I also like the feeling of being needed, it gives me great satisfaction to be able to make a difference by simply being someone they can talk to, share their feelings and stories with, someone they can trust. You never know what kind of issues children have at home,for some kids school is a way to escape. I love to see children smile, laugh,clap and get excited when they accomplish a new task. That alone brings me so much joy and keeps me motivated to be the best teacher I can be. How to cite Best/Worst Teacher, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Key Perspectives of Psychology free essay sample
Psychology seeks to understand and explain thought, emotion and behaviour through scientific investigation. It studies both humans and animals. It relates to who we are as human beings, our capacity to think, reason and understand how life really works, it even throws light on the stresses we face. As infants we are unable to survive without others, we learn to adapt socially from the moment we are born. As a result of this social interaction we develop a sense of self. We learn to communicate, verbally and non verbally, and develop shared beliefs to create a sense of society and e rely on mutual understanding to co exist. There are 3 key perspectives, Behaviourism, Psychodynamics and Humanism. Each has its own assumptions and explanations and each investigates/researches using different techniques eg Surveys, Questionnaires, Lab Experiments and Counselling. Behaviourism Behaviourists focus on understanding how and why behaviour happens. Either a theory seeks confirmation through experimentation or a general law is derived by a variety of data. It uses scientific experiments that are observable and measurable, no speculation about mental processes is made. Main concepts: Classical conditioning Learning comes from association and experience. Reflexes and instincts can be conditioned to respond to neutral stimuli eg sound, sight, smell. Operant conditioning From reactions (consequences) to experiences, humans and animals learn to avoid or embrace those experiences. The responses are voluntary not reflex. Operants can be Reinforcers, positive and negative and Punishers. Social learning theory Learning is developed by observing peoples behaviours and attitudes and how they are received by others. It attempts to understand the exchange and interaction between behavioural and environmental effects and tries to explain moral evelopment. Pavlovs dogs (Mcleod, S. A. 2007) (Source http://science. howstuffworks. com/environmental/life/zoology/mammals/dog- trainingl . ntm) Pavlov used classical conditioning to create a conditioned retlex response (salivation in expectation of food) from a neutral stimulus (bell). The bell was associated with the food by introducing them together. He found that a higher order of conditioning was possible, and a second neutral stimulus could be associated with the first conditioned stimulus Eg A buzzer which buzzs at the same time as the bell. Stimulus discrimination occurred with sounds similar to the bell. Extinction may happen and dogs may lose the association with the bell after a time without food being introduced, and spontaneous recovery can develop later. Humans can be classically conditioned to a higher degree and therefore it can be used to desensitise and treat phobias conditioning them by associating them with posititve stimuli. Advertisers use conditioning to sell products. Unethically, Nestle, whose baby milk ads associated better health and well being of babies with bottle milk, conditioned 3rd world mothers to use their costly products instead of healthier and free breast-milk. Skinners (Mcleod, S. A. 2007) (Source http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/operant_conditioning_chamber) Skinner discovered operant conditioning using rats in a box. He used a positive stimulus (food) to encourage the rats to push a lever to get more food by positive reinforcement which strengthened their behaviour. The rat had learned that its behaviour had consequences. Negative reinforcement meant that they learned to push the lever to stop an electric current, this reward also strengthened its behaviour. Punishment, either giving an electric shock or removing food, weakened behaviour and rats stopped pushing the lever. Operant conditioning is often used to modify the behaviour of children at home or in schools using rewards eg if the child behaves well they receive sweets; or punishment eg if the child misbehaves they are told to go to their room. Students also learn new skills at college using suitable positive and negative reinforcement eg distinction grades (positive) or less homework (negative) for work well done. Businesses need sales to maintain growth, however a stimulus of high commissions on sales may positively reinforce the behaviour of selling unsuitable or overpriced products. Both case studies used good scientific methods, with observable behaviour and objective measurements giving reliable results. Additionally, the experiments can be repeated for experimental validity. The theory is easily applied to use in therapy in humans. However, animals used human complexities (like freewill, memory, of genes and hormones)were not taken into account. The lab conditions were unnatural compared with a real life environment and lacked ecological validity. Indeed, Pavlov needed to operate on the dogs to insert tubes into the salivary glands. Both case studies raise issues with ethics: cages/boxes hich restrict movement, causing pain with electric currents. Animal experimentation is considered unethical now. Psychodynamic perspective Psychodynamics encompasses the work of Freud and his followers eg Carl Jung, Erikson. It studies the relationship between conscious and unconscious motivations and the dynamics ot personality. It assumes that we are unaware ot most ot what controls our behaviour (unconscious mind) but that all behaviour has a cause/reason (deterministic). Freud (1865-1939) posed that different parts of the unconscious mind are in constant struggle, that our defence mechanisms (eg repression, regression, enial, projection) allow us to distort/deny reality, and that we all have sexual energy (libido). Freuds work revolved around the importance of cognitive behaviour in the first few years of life and its influence on normal or abnormal development of personality. He conceived mind as composed of 3 major systems, the d, the ego and the superego: which develop as we grew over 5 psychosexual stages. The ld innate and fully unconscious. Driven by the pleasure principal, striving for instant gratification or avoidance of pain, it takes no account others desires or societys customs. The Ego develops in the conscious, preconscious and unconscious. Awareness of ourselves and improper desires develop. Ego reasons with the id to ensure impulses are controlled. The Superego functions mainly in the unconscious. Consisting of the ego-ideal, telling us the rules of good behaviour, what we should be or do, and the conscience, telling us what is bad according to society, and what not to do or be. The 5 psychosexual stages: Oral, Anal , Phallic ,Latency, Genital. development-theory#) (Source: http://knol. google. com/k/human- Adult sexuality does not develop in everyone. Freud believed that to develop a healthy personality, the id, the ego, and the superego must be balanced, and all emotional issues must be resolved at each stage. Psychopathology results if an individual does not pass through the stages and becomes fixated. For example, a person fixated at the oral stage could, among other things, exhibit symptoms of obsessive eating or smoking in adult life, anal fixation, which may be caused by too much punishment during toilet training, has two possible outcomes: the anal retentive or anal expulsive personality. Little Hans (Mcleod, S. A. 2008) Freud suggested that the cause of his phobia was that his early experiences with his father developed into emotional conflicts, and these conflicts were unresolved (stuck in the phallic stage) and showing signs of displacement redirecting emotions to a substitute target (the horse was a symbol for his father). Freud concluded that the boy focused his libido (sexual energy) on his mother and was afraid that his father would castrate him for desiring her Oedipus complex. This case study was particularly useful in revealing and treating the origins of abnormal behaviour. It provided a very in-depth picture producing lots of qualitative ata. In fact Freud argued that it was the special relationship between Hans and his father that allowed the discussions with the boy to be so detailed and so intimate. This aided in the understanding and the helping and treatment of Little Hans. Rat-Man dames Strachey Freud diagnosed Ernst as having an obsessional neurosis and he traced it back to childhood and discovered he had unresolved issues from the Genital stage. When Ernst was young he had taken part in sexual foreplay with his nanny, according to Freud this resulted in associating of sexual pleasure with fear of punishment. It was a face to face analysis and Freud was able to observe any anxieties, there was dialogue where he could immediately probe more deeply at the appropriate times. However, it can be intimidating and difficult discussing embarrassing or frightening issues, and may lead to fabrications or omissions. Generally, Psychodynamic approach is unscientific. Psychodynamic concepts are highly subjective and cannot be verified. It is impossible to see inside the mind so the theories cannot be proved wrong. These case studies are based on studying one person in detail and even when analysis is done on more than one, his patients have very narrow age and society range, it is difficult to make generalisations about a wider population. It is also too deterministic and doesnt give enough credence to free will. Humanism This approach studies the whole person, not only through the eyes of the observer but also through the person doing the behaviour. It believes that behaviour is connected to inner feeling and self. It is the third force of psychology developed by Maslow (19430 and Rogers (1946 ) (Mcleod, S. A. (2007). Humanism focuses more on the personality and human potential and depicts an optimistic view of life; only positives (eg happiness, love) hould be considered. It assumes that all humans are born with healthy functional minds (opposite to Freuds dysfunctional beliefs) and questions what people think is important, or what motivates them. It emphasises that we have freewill to choose our destiny and that we are all individuals. The world is perceived in a unique phenomenological way. Our growth, achievement of potential, and resilience to survive drives us forward. Humanists view the objective, scientific method and study of animals as inappropriate since it regards humans as too complex to be studied this way, no two perceive the world the same way. It believes psychology should study the individual case rather than the average of a group. Maslow He created what is known as the hierarchy of needs pyramid (Source nttp://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Maslows_nierarcny_ot_needs) Each stage snows the needs and wants a person should have. Maslow argued you must go through each one in turn to reach the top and therefore self-actualise, and have a healthy personality. He categorised them into 2 areas: 1. Basic needs physiological safety love/belonging 2. Higher needs esteem self-actualisation. The basic needs contain what Maslow called deficiency needs. When these deficiency needs are not met, the body will exhibit a physical indication eg anxiousness or hunger. Maslows theory suggests the basic needs must be satisfied before an individual can begin to reach their higher needs. Higher needs (Metamotivation) describes the motivation that people have after they have gratified their basic needs so we strive to reach our full potential. He believed if we met all of these needs we would be perfectly content and happy. Carl Rogers Rogers agreed with most of what Maslow believed, but added that in order to grow and achieve our potential, our environment will influence us. To self-actualise, we eek for our environment to provide the right experiences, and the acceptance and understanding of others. He developed the client-centered theory which places more emphasis on how individuals move toward positive growth when the proper conditions (experiences) are in place. Clients who are provided with the right conditions e acceptance and understanding from others, realise their actualising tendencies and explore what difficulties they may have, giving them a clearer picture of themselves and their potential, thus moving them toward self-actualization. The clients were able to act in ways appropriate to their true self (congruence). This in turn leads to self-confidence, ability to make better choices and even more understanding of self. One of the methods is Q-Sort assessment: (Source http:// allpsych. com/personalitysynopsis/humanistic_research. html) Using Q-Sort, a therapist can tell how a person is progressing throughout the treatment, it compares where a person is relative to where he wants to be. A healthy person is one whos ideal of self and true self are similar There are applications of Q-Sort methods : Insurance companies, supermarkets often ask you to fill out a questionaire to rank a eries of statements, how much would you would like to buy X, what was your experience of Y eg your treatment by the customer service department. A holiday company who want to find out the places you like to go and why. An incentive can be offered to get you to spend the time filling out the questionnaire. Humanist methods (qualitative research) can be used by political parties to find out what policies a voter wants. It is also used for motivational courses in companies. However, these methods only reflect an individualistic, selfish outlook and do not take in to account the views of others or social motivations. Moreover, humanistic optimistic approach can not explain the horrors people intlict on each other. Its rejection ot scientific methodology brings significant criticism. It was developed specifically within western cultures and therefore the findings cannot be extrapolated to other cultures. Do basic needs have to be satisfied before higher needs? No, there many examples of people putting their higher needs first eg in concentration camps people still helped others despite their own need for food not being satisfied, homeless may prefer to spend benefits on alcohol or gambling. We operate on different levels at the same ime and not all that motivates us is conscious. Therefore, in conclusion, no one perspective explains all the complexities of the human psyche. They contradict, over lap, and even corroborate one another. They criticise each others approaches eg Behaviourists on Humanists lack of scientific methods. In present day Psychology, a combination of all three is needed to achieve the most conclusive results.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
What not to say in a Residency Personal Statement
Avoiding major mistakes in your residency personal statement means more than just making sure that your statement is free of common errors in grammar and usage. It also means having the right content. Getting help from residency personal statement services can get you focused on the aspects of your experiences that are most persuasive to residency selectors. Moreover, residency personal statement services are available to give your essay the polish and flow that will keep selectors reading your statement from start to finish.Here are some common things that should not be included in your residency personal statement:1. Things that happened before you Started CollegeResidency selectors are genuinely only interested in what you have been doing since you began college. Many residency personal statements begin with an anecdote from childhood or high school. This will make your residency personal statement seem like a med school personal statement and likely cause the reader to lose inter est.2. Spending precious space in the essay discussing why you did not choose other specialtiesWith many specialties to choose from, it is unnecessary to explain why other specialties did not appeal to you. This, combined with the relatively short length of residency personal statements, means that your best bet is to fully and clearly express why you have chosen the residency program to which you are applying.3. Stating that you chose your specialty before you began your rotationsIn the real world, there are medical students who knew what they want to specialize in long before medical school. Perhaps this was due to a significant experience or even an early calling to work with a particular patient population. However, the purpose of rotations is to get a feel for the day-to-day work within each particular field of medicine. For this reason, if you had a good idea of what you wanted to specialize in before your rotations, emphasize how the rotation confirmed your desire to choose y our specialty.Residency Personal Statement Services Can Help You Express Your Motives and Ideas PersuasivelyUnder no circumstances whatsoever should you state that you have chosen your specialty for lifestyle or financial reasons. Everybody wants to live a good life, and ââ¬â for better or for worse ââ¬â our finances are part of the opportunities available to us in the world. However, your residency personal statement needs to reflect a desire to do the work of the specialty you have chosen and to help the patients who are in need of your expertise in this field. Residency personal statement services can help you refine your essay to effectively convey this to selectors.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Medicare essayEssay Writing Service
The Medicare essayEssay Writing Service The Medicare essay The Medicare essayToday, Medicare is the major government-sponsored health care program aiming at the assistance provided for older people in need, who cannot afford covering health care services on their own. The program focuses on the coverage of health care services for older people and is an important source of support of the older people, who live in poverty and cannot earn to cover their health care services. However, today, the effectiveness of Medicare is still under a question since the program needs consistent changes to make the use of public funds more effective and provide all older people in need with health care services of the high quality.In this regard, the improvement of the Medicare should involve systematic changes to optimize the performance of the program. To put it more precisely, the government should avoid overlapping functions of Medicare and other health care programs, such as Medicaid, for example. Medicare should focus on the specific target population a nd avoid ineffective use of funds through distributing public funds for multiple clients and services. The focus on the narrower and more specific target population will help to spend more funds on specific services that will help to provide them with health care services of the high quality.In addition, the population enrolled in Medicare can improve its position through the involvement of non-government organizations in the management of Medicare program. The involvement of non-government organizations will help to decrease the bureaucratization of Medicare which emerges because any government agency tends to bureaucratization without the effective public control.Finally, Medicare should focus on specific health care suppliers, which can provide health care services of the high quality at affordable prices.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
How to run a Web Server at Home Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
How to run a Web Server at Home - Assignment Example How to run a Web Server at Home For me I will select ââ¬Å"Server with GUIâ⬠Because it has a graphical user interface. Itââ¬â¢s easier if you are not familiar with Linux. Otherwise, go a ahead and select ââ¬Å"Basic Web Server.â⬠If you are finish click ââ¬Å"doneâ⬠. Then, Power on the ââ¬Å"Ethernet.â⬠Done If you want you can setup the time, location, and language preference. From ââ¬Å"Localizationâ⬠Now, we should be done and ready to install our Centos Operating System as a server. Make sure you set a password for your root. In addition, do not forget to create a user. We are going to wait until it is done. Then we will reboot our virtual machine. After rebooting the system, you will have to accept Licensee information. Then, Finish. Click on Not listed to login as a root. Therefore, we can have access to anything on the system. Type in your username: root Moreover, the password you closed during setup. IP address is very important here. The IP address that is given from your internet provider is your identifier on the web. Therefore, if your IP address is always the same then you do not need to worry about anything. However, if your IP address always changing then you need to setup software that informs the domain that your address has changed. Google it and you should be fine. Version 10.0 of VM Workstation does not recognize Centos OS 7. Therefore, we need to inform VM, we have Linux and it has 3.x kernel. Not doing this Centos OS 7 will not have access to the internet.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Lab Report Example However some technical problems such as weight of the arm and unforeseen parameters of the robot going out of the maze were encountered in execution of the project. The objective of the project is to enable a robot to look for a ball and pick it up while avoiding black lines. The goal is divided into a logical sequence that enables the robot to achieve its goal. The sequence flow is as follows. The necessary parameters for the robot are set, these include the sensors and motors that enable the robot to move. The robot then looks for a ball. It then estimates and determines the distance to the ball. It moves through the distance and then picks up the ball. The robot does all this while avoiding the black lines using the accompanying sensor light. Robotics programming is a developing technology that utilizes principles from varying fields of science. These include mechatronics, electrical engineering, psychology and computer science .The merging of these fields of study produces the fi ctionalized concept of a robot that has intellect and a nature of its own and works hand in hand with man. Creation of robots from the programming aspects to the development of the mechanical parts has a very diverse effect on man-kind than any other technology that has come about. Robotics poses different arguments from a range of different perspectives that affects human beings. These effects are experienced in global, societal, economic and environmental views that determine the advancement and integration of robotic technology in day to day human lives. These aspects have raised arguments and debates in these fields that have seldom been settled. Advancement in robotics is only brought about by regarding these aspects in humanity. As with every technology, the economic aspect is highly regarded. The robotics projectââ¬â¢s possibility of making work easier for people and at the same time improving the livelihoods of the same people is the most important part of the economic vi ew of new technology. Robotics programming has many varied views both positive and negative with regard to the effects and results of robotic technology. Positive aspects of robotic engineering within industrial and commercial aspects include automation of manufacturing, easing the hard labour for people and speeding up the process of delivery of products to the market. Robotic automotive technology and application of mechatronics principles can also improve the creation of safety systems especially in cars which can automatically and intelligently detect dangerous situations and react accordingly (Schweitzer,2). This helps save lives. However with the integration of robotics, the most negative economic aspect is the replacement of human beings by robots. This increases cases of unemployment and thus making robotics technology highly unpopular among operational and technically skilled people. Thus the development of intelligent machines is highly limited to jobs that human beings ca nnot do or will not do and also be based on a foundation of no competition with human beings(Schweitzer,5). The machines should be able to assist and not remove people from work. Robots built for services to people such as robots for lawn mowing and cleaning are beneficial to people as they speed up these services. The economic view more or less dictates the advancement of robotic technology. If it does not improve the lives of people and merely takes their jobs away and replacing them, it would be highly unlikely for the robots
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Development of Person Centred Nursing Care
Development of Person Centred Nursing Care The aim of this essay is to describe the history of person-centred care, explain why person-centred approach is important in healthcare environment and how it is achieved. This essay will also explain the concept of a person-centeredness, the concepts of a person and personhood and the issues arising from this perspectives. Furthermore, it will describe the core concepts and frameworks. Concept of person-centred care (PCC) and patient-centred nursing framework (PCNF) suggest that all healthcare staff should focus onto values and beliefs of an individual while realising the importance of knowing self and competency amongst other factors within the healthcare staff (McCormack McCance, 2010; Royal College of Nursing (RCN), 2010). Principles of PCC are underpinning many guides, codes and publications. These are here to assist the healthcare staff making sure that the individual at the centre of their care will experience high quality care (Department of Health (DH), 2012; Nursing and Mi dwifery Council (NMC), 2008; RCN, 2010). Because of the complex nature of PCC this essay will only explain the above mentioned principles in more depth (values and beliefs of an individual, knowing self and competency). Furthermore, this essay will identify the issues involved in delivering PCC, including the media case involving Mid Staffordshire NHS and Francis report (2013). From historical point of view the term person-centeredness was developed by psychologist and one of the founders of the humanistic approach Carl Rogers, who focused mainly on creating therapeutic relationships with his clients. Rogers identified three core conditions important in delivering person-centred therapy ââ¬â empathy, therapeutic genuineness and unconditional positive regard for all clients (Josefowitz Myran, 2005). Empathy is described as the ability to put oneself in the personââ¬â¢s place, imagining how one would feel in their situation (NMC, 2010). Accurate level of empathy and congruence defines the genuineness (Truax et al., 1966) of the therapist. Rogers (1957) describes unconditional positive regard as the acceptance of personââ¬â¢s positive, negative feelings and experiences. Now that the historical background of the person-centred approach was explained, it is important to understand the concept of a person. This concept represents the humanness and the way one is constructing a way of life. Attributes of a person such as desires, motives, memory and others, shape moral values, spiritual or religious and political beliefs and also emotional involvement in relationships (McCormack McCance, 2010). Among several perspectives explaining the concept of a person there is the hierarchy of attributes perspective, which suggests that to be classed as a person, one has to collect several physical and psychological attributes (McCormack McCance, 2010). The issue surrounding this approach is that an individual suffering from dementia (loss of a memory attribute) would automatically lose the person status (McCormack McCance, 2010). Concept of personhood defined by Kitwood (1997) suggests that in context of relationship and social being, others give a status to hum an being. This status is based on trust, respect and recognition. Regardless of the differences, these perspectives can be connected through the authenticity. It is a process of self-discovery based on personââ¬â¢s values, ideals and actions. It is a realisation of ones potential and also acting on this potential while accepting the responsibility for the consequences of life choices (Starr, 2008). Respecting and accepting a person as an individual, their values and beliefs and providing an individual approach to personââ¬â¢s needs and care is fundamental in PCC because it ensures that the person is participating in their healthcare as an equal partner (RCN, 2014). RCN (2014) also states that involvement of a person in their own care is beneficial for the person because they experience greater satisfaction with care and the system becomes more cost-effective. VIPS framework suggests that to ensure PCC it has to be understood that every single human life has an absolute value. Each personââ¬â¢s values and beliefs are unique and therefore each person requires an individual approach. All health care staff should be able to see and understand the world from the personââ¬â¢s perspective and create a supportive social environment (Brooker, 2004). McCormack (2004) defined four core concepts of person centred nursing paying attention to personal values and beliefs in his first core concept being in a social context. For a nurse the social context of a person means a true understanding of personââ¬â¢s context (their values, beliefs and life experiences) which allows creating a life plan that nurtures an individual personhood (McCormack, 2004). Schofield (1994) states that concerns in care can be clarified when individualââ¬â¢s biographical details and social context are recognised by an experienced nurse. Furthermore, being able to work with ones beliefs and values reduces generalisation based on pre-conceptions and previous experiences (McCormack McCance, 2010). Clarke et al. (2003) found out that this biographical approach improves PCC as it encourages healthcare staff to see the person and not a patient, which is helpful in building relationships with patients and their family. McCormackââ¬â¢s (2004) remaining core concepts are being in relation, being in place and being with self. Being in relation emphasises the importance of relationship s between healthcare staff and the person. Being in place suggests that the place where care is delivered has an impact on the care experience. Being with self explains that forming of values and beliefs is based on knowing self. While these four core concepts were focusing on the person in care, there are also frameworks that relate to the nursing staff. PCNF is a tool which enables nurses to explore PCC in their practice (McCance et al., 2011). PCNF comprises of four main components including prerequisites, care environment, person centred processes and expected outcomes. Prerequisites are the attributes of the nurse which include self-awareness, professional competency, development of interpersonal skills and also commitment to the job (McCormack McCance, 2010). In nursing, knowing self or self-awareness means the way nurses see themselves and the way they construct their own worlds. This has an influence on their practice and engagement with people (McCormack McCance, 2010). Being self-aware is important, because if the nurse is able to recognise her/his own feelings and the effect these feelings have on the ability to be fully focused on the person in their care, it is less likely that the nurse will c reate a block in compassionate care. Reflection on self awareness and identification of personal feelings and blocks improves person-centred nursing practice (Devenny Duffy, 2013). Nurses and student nurses are also required to recognise their limits of competency. Professional competency in nursing requires skills, knowledge and is seen as the ability to prioritise and make judgements and decisions (McCormack McCance, 2010). Nurses have to attend and participate in trainings to maintain and develop their competency (NMC, 2008). These trainings and standard of education for all nursing staff is set by NMC and all registered professionals are required to continue to learn and develop their skills throughout their careers (McCormack McCance, 2006). Competent and self-aware nurses can create optimal person-centred care environment. Care environment represents a context in which care is delivered. Effective staff relationships, shared decision making, skill mix, organisational system and also physical environment are important, because they all contribute to delivering high quality PCC (McCormack McCance, 2010). Throughout every stage of life people expect that delivered care will be consistent, right and meeting individualââ¬â¢s needs (DH, 2012). Therefore, PCC moves away from the previous medically orientated care to collaborative, holistic and relationship-focused care. Positive relationships between the care staff and the person and also the relationships between the care staff themselves are very important because they create therapeutic environment, especially when the team is effective (McCance, McCormack Dewing, 2010). Multidisciplinary teams focus on supporting and caring for people while collaborating (DH, 2012). N urses play a crucial role within multidisciplinary teams delivering person centred processes. This mean that nurses provide holistic care; they actively engage people in informed decision making and that the nursing staff is working with and respecting personââ¬â¢s beliefs and values. Nurses are also able to shape personââ¬â¢s experience by delivering high standard care (DH, 2008). To achieve a high quality care all health care staff should have sympathetic presence while working with people (McCormack McCance, 2010). Involvement in care, feeling of wellbeing, creating therapeutic environment and overall satisfaction with care are included in expected outcomes of PCC (McCormack McCance, 2010). Person centred activities allow a person to be involved in their care as an equal partner (RCN, 2014). Collins (2014) states that these activities include self management support (SMS), shared decision making (SDM), collaborative care and support planning. In SMS a person is encouraged to develop the knowledge about their conditions so they can become skilled and confident managers of their own health. Building personââ¬â¢s capabilities should be based on incorporation of evidence-based health information (Collins, 2014). In SDM person is encouraged to make a single informed decision about their own health with confidence. Personââ¬â¢s understanding of evidence-based information about treatment risks and probabilities is crucial (Collins, 2014). Collaborative care and support planning merges SMS and SDM together enabling the person gain the knowledge about their conditions, become a confident self-manager ensuring they are able to make informed decisions about their care or support they are receiving (Collins, 2014). Despite all the efforts of many health care professionals, there are times when PCC fails to be delivered. One of the major issues in providing PCC in nursing is the fact that a little attention is paid to care experience of a person. This is due to a great pressure on professionals and teams to be highly effective and efficient (McCormack McCance, 2010). This is quite obvious in Francis report (2013) which concludes that Mid Staffordshire NHS was focusing more on financial pressure and becoming the foundation trust rather than quality of care provided. Furthermore, the achievement of targets was also highly prioritised. Acceptance of poor standards of care within the health care teams resulted in denial of privacy, dignity, food, water, assistance in toileting and in many cases in death of patients (Francis, 2013). As a result of this, importance of PCC is now embedded in several policies such as Principles of Nursing Practice (RCN, 2010), National service framework for older peopl e (DH, 2001), The Code (NMC, 2008) and Compassion in Practice (DH, 2012). It can be concluded that the concept of PCC has been around for decades starting with Rogers and his humanistic approach, emphasising the importance of putting the person into the centre of holistic therapy and care (Josefowitz Myran, 2005). PCC involves the patient in their care. Respecting and working with personââ¬â¢s values and beliefs should be achieved by knowing self and being a competent registered professional with an updated knowledge (McCormack McCance, 2010). Despite the efforts of many health care professionals, it was obvious after Mid Staffordshire NHS case and the publication of Francis report (2013) that some health care teams were failing in many fundamental aspects of PCC leading to death of many patients. After this media case several publications were published by the governing bodies embedding person-centeredness in order to ensure this will not happen again in the future. Reference list: Brooker D. (2004). What is person-centred care in dementia? Clinical Gerontology, 13, 215ââ¬â222. Clarke, A., Hanson, E.J. Ross, H. (2003). Seeing the person behind the patient: Enhancing the care of older people using a biographical approach. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 12, 697-706. Collins, A. (2014). Measuring what really matters. Towards a coherent measurement system to support person-centred care. London: The Health Foundation. Devenny, B. Duffy, K. (2013). Person-centred reflective practice. Nursing Standard, 28, 37-43. Francis, R. (2013). Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry: Executive summary. London: The Stationery Office. Great Britain. Department of Health. (2001). National Service Framework for Older People. London: Department of Health. Great Britain. Department of Health. (2008). NHS Next Stage Review: A High Quality Workforce. London: Department of Health. Great Britain. Department of Health. (2012). Compassion in Practice: Nursing, Midwifery and Care Staff. Our Vision and Strategy. London: Department of Health. Josefowitz, N. Myran, D. (2005). Towards a person-centred cognitive behaviour therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 18(4), 329 ââ¬â 336. Kitwood, T. (1997). Dementia Reconsidered: The Person Comes First. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. McCance, T., McCormack, B. Dewing, J. (2011). An Exploration of Person-Centredness in Practice. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16, No. 2 McCormack, B. (2004). Person-centredness in gerontological nursing: an overview of the literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13(3A), 31-38. McCormack, B. McCance, T. (2006).Development of a framework for person-centred nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 56(5), 472ââ¬â479. McCormack, B. McCance, T. (2010).Person-centred Nursing. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Nursing and Midwifery Council. (2008). The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Nursing and Midwifery Council. (2010). Guidance for the care of older people. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Rogers, C.R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient of therapeutic personality change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 95-103. Royal College of Nursing. (2010). Principles of Nursing Practice: principles and measures consultation. London: Royal College of Nursing. Royal College of Nursing. (2014). Person-centred care. Retrieved November 18, 2014, from: Schofield, I. (1994). An historical approach to care. Elderly Care, 6(6), 14-15. Starr, S. S. (2008). Authenticity: A Concept Analysis.Nursing Forum,43(2), 55-62. Truax, C. B., Wargo, D. G., Frank, J. D., Imber, S. D., Battle, C. C., Hoern-Saric, R., Stone, A. R. (1966). The therapistââ¬â¢s contribution to accurate empathy, non-possessive warmth and genuineness in psychotherapy.Journal of Clinical Psychology,22(3), 331-334.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Determining a substance by tritration Essay
Aim: Using the procedures of a standard acid base titration lab, the goal of this experiment is identifying the amount of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) that is presented in a calcium carbonate substance presented by our teacher. Hypothesis: Due to any unknown substance that we encounter in the chemistry room, we must take serious precaution, as the substance may very well be highly contagious and dangerous to smell, touch or taste directly. The only ability that we posses that can be used to observer this substance is our vision that is going to help us in determining the concentration of the substance. Although that with vision only, it will not suffice the need that is necessary to make that judgment as we need quantitative data (finding the exact concentration of calcium carbonate). Unless we have prior knowledge about this substance, the processes of a titration must be used. My hypothesis begins that this has about 60% concentration. Variables: Independent Variable: There is none in this experiment. The goal of this lab is not to include any variables that will change the concentration of the calcium carbonate. We need constant results for the concentration of the calcium carbonate, as that will determine the actual concentration of the calcium carbonate in our substance. Dependent Variable: The volume needed to titrate the calcium carbonate solution by using the phenolphthalein indicator. Though it is a clear substance, the indicator will change its color into pink when the solution becomes a base from an acid. By determining the amount of hydrochloric acid is needed to change the color of the solution, we can determine the concentration of calcium carbonate through some calculations. Controlled Variables: 1. The Distilled Water: The distilled water will be the only water that will be used during the entire experiment. The distilled water was prepared and resented by our teacher. 2. The calcium carbonate substance: The calcium carbonate substance was constant throughout the entire experiment. 3. The Hydrochloric Acid: The hydrochloric acid was one of the main components of this experiment. Therefore this acid was also prepared and presented by the teacher. 4. All Equipment: All the same equipments such as the pipette and the filter paper were used throughout the experiment. Apparatus: * Unknown white powdered substance * 50cm3 burette * 3 250cm3 Erlenmeyer flask * 200cm3 for hydrochloric acid * 0.1M of Sodium Hydroxide * Burette clamp * Retort stand * Distilled water * Goggles * Filter paper * A funnel * Phenolphthalein indicator * A scale * Paper towel * A spoon * Pipette * Pipette sucker * White paper Method: 1. First set up the retort stand and the retort clamp as indicated by the diagram below. Of course, the flask must be prepared in the subsequent steps. However unlike the diagram, place a white piece of paper beneath the flask so that the color change becomes more easily visible. 2. After placing the paper towel and scaling the scale, measure out approximately 10.0 grams of the unknown substance and record the exact mass 3. Add 200cm3 of 1.00-mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid and stir until the reaction is complete. 4. Filter the solution and withdraw 10cm3 using a pipette and make up to 100 cm3 in a volumetric flask. 5. Titrate 10cm3 portions against a standard 0.1M NaOH using the phenolphthalein indicator. 6. Record both quantitative and qualitative data. 7. Repeat the process of titration three times. Observation (Data Collection): Measurements: * Mass of Calcium Carbonate solution: * Burette: Calcium Carbonate solution made using 250cm3volumetric flask with an uncertainty of ?0.5cm3 * Pipette: 25.0cm3 of 0.100moldm-3 NaOH(aq) ?0.04cm3 Chemical Equations: Before we delve into the calculations, it is best that we list the necessary chemical equations of this lab. One must note that in this experiment, that there were two chemical reactions. Firstly, the first experiment occurs when the white substance mixed with the HCl. The second chemical reaction took place when the HCl solution meets with the .1M of NaOH 1. 2. Qualitative Data: Description of the substance used and produced Hydrochloric Acid Clear, viscous, Calcium Carbonate White, powder form Phenolphthalein Indicator Clear solution, comes in a bottle, add as drops Solution Produced in the end Bubbly, white liquid, most of the unknown mixture dissolved Clear/pink throughout. Quantitative Data: Measurement Recorded During the Experiment Trial 1 2 3 4* Initial Burette Reading (ml?0.05cm3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Final Burette Reading (ml?0.05cm3) 5.45 5.90 5.60 5.40 *To note, for the calculations below, the supervisor at the time suggested the best data to use would be the average of the HCl used because the numbers found were very consistent. Calculations The following steps were taken so to find the % by mass of CaCO3 in the mixture 1. The moles of acid presented in 200cm3of 1.00 mol dm-3hydrochloric acid. 2. The moles of acid presented in 10cm3of the acid solution titrated. 0.00056molof HCl 3. Multiply the volume present in the volumetric flask. 4. The total moles acids remaining after the reaction with CaCO3 5. Subtract the value in 4 from that obtained in 1 to find moles acid used. 6. The stochiometric equation for the reaction of HCl and CaCO3 Hydrochloric acid+Calcium carbonateââ¬â>Calcium chloride+water+Carbon dioxide -Therefore the molar ratio is 1 mole of calcium carbonate to 2 moles of hydrochloric acid 7. Using this and the value in 5 to calculate the moles of CaCO3 present. Then calculate the mass of CaCO3 8. Using the value found in step 7 and the original mass of the mixture, here is the calculation to find percent of the mixture is made up of CaCO3 Uncertainties: * * * * Total Uncertainty= Conclusion: This experiment in general was very interesting. During this lab, I was able to learn of how we can identify the amount of a substance by knowing the concentration and volume of another. We were able to do so as we knew the moles and concentration of sodium hydroxide that had enabled us to find the unknown concentration of calcium carbonate. Because the actual percentage of CaCO3 was not given, we must concur that the accuracy of this lab has been affected and therefore must be assessed by our uncertainty percentage. The percent of uncertainties represents the desultory errors that may have occurred, which either may make the measurements bigger or smaller than the accepted value, due to imprecise measurement. One way to avoid future random errors, better equipment may be needed, or repetition of the measurements. Despite the uncertainties based on lab equipments and other mediums of measurements, one of the biggest possible sources of error lies in the systematic errors of this lab, especially finding the exact endpoint. Though the pink color should indicate when the endpoint is reached, in trial 2 and 3, the solution turned a faint pink color and my partners and I did not know whether that faint pink indicated the endpoint. This could have resulted in a measurement lower than the actual value. To possibly improve this source of error, I believe more time and trials should be allotted to the students. When I was doing my experiment, we were only given a single class time to follow the procedures, write down our notes, and clean up our experiment. If more time was allotted, then higher quality recordings could be made. This would then give us a clearer idea when the endpoint actually is. Next, though it is unlikely, to improve this lab we may have to rinse the burettes and other flasks prior to performing this lab. In my chemistry classroom, burettes and flasks are arranged so that the clean ones are clearly seen and labeled while the used ones are in the sink. However it could be possible that another student may have placed an unclean burette in the cabinet full of clean equipments. Therefore, for accuracy purposes, all equipment should be washed using soap and tissues. Reviewing and understanding the errors can significantly improve this experiment. Though my hypothesis of the concentration being 60% calcium carbonate was wrong, this experiment taught me the value and usefulness of the process of titration.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Elizabeth Bishop Essay
There are many fantastic poets out there today and there were many in the past. One of these many great poets is Elizabeth Bishop. She started writing poems in 1946 and stopped in 1979. Her poems were very imaginative yet serious and sophisticated at the same time. Each poet has their own way to write, and this is hers. Elizabeth Bishop was born on February 8, 1911 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Only a few months after Bishop was born, her father passed away and because of this, her mother suffered from a mental breakdown and was admitted into an insane asylum in Nova Scotia until she passed away in 1934. At the age of six Elizabeth Bishop was taken to live with her grandparents back in Worcester. She then began to be frequently ill, so to give her a ââ¬Ëhappier surroundingââ¬â¢, she moved in with her aunt in Boston. At this age, 8, is when she started to read poetry and fairy tales. Walt Whitman and Gerard Manley Hopkins were her favorite and most inspirational poets at the time. As Elizabeth Bishop grew older she started to choose her career path. At the age of 16 she was admitted to a boarding school in Natick, Massachusettes where she read and studied the works of William Shakespeare and English Romantic poets. One year she tried to study music but then realized that she is terrified of recitals so she quickly dropped that dream and she returned to literature. Along with Mary McCarthy and Eleanor Clark, Elizabeth Bishop founded a literary review, this was where Bishopââ¬â¢s very first poem was published. Then later in the Vassar Review, many pieces of her work were being published but during this time her writing skills were affected to a heavy drinking problem. After Bishopââ¬â¢s problem was solved, she went back to creating great poems, with help of the greatest poetic mentor in Bishopââ¬â¢s early years, Marianne Moore. Moore helped Bishop write more poems and write her first volume, North and South(1946), which was chosen for the Houghton Miffl in Poetry Award and contained one of her most anthologized single poems. With lots of money from her many awards and prizes, Bishop went on a vacation to Brazil, here she had allergic attacks that forced her toà unexpectedly stay for several months. Once she was finally cured, she decided to stay and actually lived in Brazil for many years. During her stay there, Elizabeth Bishop fell in love with a wonderful Brazilian woman, her name was Lota de Macedo Soares. The two actually lived together for a while until Soares tragically committed suicide in 1967. In 1955, Bishop published a second book, inside was North and South(1946). This volume was titled Poems: North and South ââ¬â A Cold Spring. There was many poems inside of this book, one of which was ââ¬Å"At the Fishhouses.â⬠Much of the work in this book and after, up until about 1974, was influenced by her life in Brazil. Bishop then had poems and book being published like wildflowers. Elizabeth had some great influence in her life to motivate her in her in the poetic arts. Bishop was greatly influenced by the poet Marianne Moore, who she met when she was introduced by a librarian at Vassar in 1934. There was an inseparable friendship between the two women, remembered by an extensive amount of similarities between the two. Bishop stayed with and used Moore as an influence until Mooreââ¬â¢s death in 1972. Bishopââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"At the Fishhousesâ⬠(1955) contains many references to Mooreââ¬â¢s 1924 poem ââ¬Å"A Grave.â⬠Bishop was also introduced to Robert Lowell through Randall Jarrell in 1947 and the two soon became fantastic friends. But the friendship was curtailed when Lowell died in 1977. After his death, Bishop wrote, ââ¬Å"our friendship, often kept alive through years of separation only by letters, remained constant and affectionate, and I shall always be deeply grateful for itâ⬠. They both were influences for each otherââ¬â¢s poetr y. Lowell mentioned the influence from Bishop in his poem ââ¬Å"Skunk Hourâ⬠which he stated had, ââ¬Å"modeled on Miss Bishopââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËThe Armadillo.'â⬠In another poem, ââ¬Å"The Screamâ⬠, Lowell said is ââ¬Å"derived fromâ⬠¦Bishopââ¬â¢s story In the Village.â⬠ââ¬Å"North Haven,â⬠was one of the very last poems Elizabeth Bishop had published during her lifetime, and it was written as a memorial for Robert Lowell. Unlike her good friend Robert Lowell, who wrote in a Confessional style, while Bishopââ¬â¢s poetry avoids explicit accounts of her personal life and focuses instead with great delicacy on her impressions of the physical world. She uses lots of adjectives, metaphors, and similes to help the reader create a mental image of what is going on at the time. The imagery inà her poems are very specific and realistic sounding. Rhyming wasnââ¬â¢t really used much in Bishopââ¬â¢s poems but was is used sometimes to add emphasis and/or humor. If the poem did have a rhyming scheme it would be different, rather than being every two lines rhyme or every other, Bishop would do every four lines. So the end of the first lines could be ââ¬Å"wharfâ⬠and the last word of the fourth line would rhyme, so for instance ââ¬Å"dwarfâ⬠. She had her own style that made her poems unique. One of Elizabeth Bishopââ¬â¢s poems is A Summerââ¬â¢s Dream. This poem was published in 1959. This poem has a sort of childish tone to it, yet still sounds sophisticated. During the whole poem, Bishop is describing the town that she lives in as well as describing the other residents of the place. In A Summerââ¬â¢s Dream, Elizabeth Bishop is the speaker and speaks in a first person perspective. Throughout the poem, it seems as if Bishop is playing the role of a daughter. She sounds like this because the whole time she is using such descriptive words to put a sense of imagination into each line. The poem shows the the everyday life in her town and it at first seems like she is just telling what she sees. But, as u get to the end you realize that the whole time she was using her creativity and imagination to dream of a town that she would love to live in. The tone used in the poem however, is more sophisticated and sounds like something an adult would say rather than a little g irl. Bishop seems compassionate towards the subject and she makes you feel welcomed into this little town of hers in just 36 lines. Towards her neighbors, or the other characters, there is two different tones. Toward the elder and weaker characters, there seems to be a gentle and sympathetic feeling, while there is a cruel and condescending feel. But these two tones are used in just the right amount that they balance out the negatives and positives to make the poem neutral. Poems contain many poetic devices to help make the writing stronger. Not all of it has to do with the tone and theme of the poem, but with the diction. The diction of a poem is the poetââ¬â¢s choice of words and how they are put together. An abundantly used poetic device in A Summerââ¬â¢s Dream is imagery. Bishop uses imagery throughout her poem to help the reader create an image in their mind of the scenery. She describes her boarding house, ââ¬Å"blue as a makerel,our boarding house was streaked as though it had been cryingâ⬠(14-16), by using these descriptiveà words and metaphors the reader can piece the information together t o create a picture. Elizabeth Bishop uses words like ââ¬Å"saggingâ⬠(1), ââ¬Å"idiotâ⬠(4), and ââ¬Å"shrunkenâ⬠(12) to put a negative and depressing feel to the town of her dreams. In the same poem word such as ââ¬Å"gentleâ⬠(5), ââ¬Å"kindâ⬠(7), and ââ¬Å"extraodinaryâ⬠(17) to give a positive and caring tone. The poet uses both sides together in some cases, ââ¬Å"He was morose, but she was cheerfulâ⬠(29), the poetic devices are used this way to create a sense of neutrality. Over all Bishop wrote many fantastic poems all in her sophisticated yet whimsical way that would spark the interest of many readers and hopefully influence them to do something. They were full of imagery and poetic elements to create a sense of interest to the reader and to also help them to create a mental picture of the actions in the poem at the time. Elizabeth Bishop has received a great amount of recognition and has earned many awards during her career. Each poet has their own way to wr ite, and Elizabethââ¬â¢s poetic ways were very popular and unique but very sadly came to an end in october of 1979 when she passed away of a cerebral aneurism in Boston. Cite Page Flemming, Bruce E., and Ann D. Garbett. ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Bishop.â⬠Biography Research Center. Magillââ¬â¢s Survey of American Literature, Revised Edition, Sept. 2006. Web. ââ¬Å"Poet Elizabeth Bishop.â⬠ N.p., n.d. Web. Lensing, George S. ââ¬Å"About Elizabeth Bishop.â⬠Modern American Poetry. Oxford University Press, Feb. 2009. Web.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Gender Inequalities in the Roman Catholic Religion
Gender equality has been debated throughout society, and in a more narrow sense, in the Roman Catholic Church. Men are the dominant gender when looking at the Roman Catholic religion, as they have the authority and power to hold a church session and women do not. Today, many women are fighting back and questioning the gender bias that is present within the Roman Catholic religion. Although women have come a long way in society, women seem to still have an inferior role in the church. The sacrament of Holy Orders is reserved only to men, Christs twelve disciples are all men, and although the Catholic church promotes respect and equality for all, their teachings seem to be flawed. The problem of gender equality in the Catholic church is deeply rooted in the history of the Christian religion. St. Augustine, the foundational thinker of Latin Christianity, believed that females were created by God to be inferior to the superior male gender. Augustine never believed that a female could rep resent God, because being male is a symbol of ââ¬Å"rationality and spiritualityâ⬠while being female symbolizes ââ¬Å"the body and the material worldâ⬠(Ruether). However, Augustines views of women becomes complicated when he speaks of reproduction and sex. Augustine believed that sex without being married was a sin and those who use contraception while having sexual intercourse, whether being married or not, was ââ¬Å"mere fornicationâ⬠(Ruether). This belief has carried to Catholic teachings today, and thisShow MoreRelatedA Study Of Religion Through The Lens Of Mary Daly And Gayatri Spivak1371 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction to the Study of Religion Prof. Ken Derry TA: Robbie Kennedy Masked Patriarchy and Androcentrism: Through the lens of Mary Daly and Gayatri Spivak By: Yara Raid Mahmoud Abuhudra 1001590272 October 18, 2014 Word Count: 1300 Rikza Mazhar: culture Christ The king Roman Catholic Church Yara Abuhudra: gender 3495 Confederation Parkway, Mississauga, ON L5B 3G5 Recently, I have been interested in a multitude of religions and their devoteesRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1161 Words à |à 5 Pagesis utilized to highlight the contrast in treatment between individuals from diverse groups when one group is purposefully treatedâ⬠¦ 1. 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