Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Forensic evidence on Major criminal case Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Matt Zoellner, who was Hettrick’s ex-boyfriend, also testified during the trials hearings and investigations. However, for Matt Zoellner, it is agreeable that he did not qualify to testify against masters since he had also been previously suspected of the murder but ruled out. Furthermore, he was the last person to be seen with Hettrick before her body was discovered. According to how tough the case was, particularly due to lack of any shred of physical evidence linking Masters to the Murder; it is more than evident that the jury did not weigh the pieces of evidence presented heavily. This is because, throughout the investigations, Masters maintained his innocence even in the absence of an adult. To add on that, the two hairs and the anonymous fingerprints in Hettrick’s purse did not correspond Masters. Furthermore, some of the jurors had uncertainties about Masters guilt. The case also majorly concentrated on one suspect, Masters. Other suspects including Matthew Zoel lner and Dr. Richard Hammond were not investigated as such. For instance, Dr. Richard Hammond as a professional eye surgeon was highly connected to the murder. We will write a custom essay sample on Forensic evidence on Major criminal case or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now One, because he had the surgical skills for doing the mutilations on Hettrick body and two, he had previously been arrested and summoned for filming female genitals in toilets. Additionally, Hammonds bedroom window directly faced the scene where the dead body was found. The lack of further investigations or follow-ups by the investigators and the jury merely depicted that the forensic evidence were not heavily weighed. The author of the â€Å"Peggy Hettrick murder case† does have original direct source knowledge of the evidence because the key points and aspects in the article explains the various strengths and weaknesses of the all the evidence found, investigated, and used for final conviction. The author also effectively analyzes the situation by maintaining a balance in explaining some of the facts that were overlooked and those that directly connect to Masters, the primary suspect, to the murder. Moreover, the impartial analysis of the t estimonials, suspects, and how the jury reached their final verdict also depicts the author as unbiased and one who is trustworthy (Lichtenwald, 2009, p. 53). One of the most important aspects to note is that, as much as the forensic science applications for the Peggy Hettrick murder case were appropriate, the evidences were overlooked because Masters drawings and art could typically represent what he saw at the murder scene coupled with some personal problems he might have been battling with.

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