Thursday, January 2, 2020

Gender Inequalities in the Roman Catholic Religion

Gender equality has been debated throughout society, and in a more narrow sense, in the Roman Catholic Church. Men are the dominant gender when looking at the Roman Catholic religion, as they have the authority and power to hold a church session and women do not. Today, many women are fighting back and questioning the gender bias that is present within the Roman Catholic religion. Although women have come a long way in society, women seem to still have an inferior role in the church. The sacrament of Holy Orders is reserved only to men, Christs twelve disciples are all men, and although the Catholic church promotes respect and equality for all, their teachings seem to be flawed. The problem of gender equality in the Catholic church is deeply rooted in the history of the Christian religion. St. Augustine, the foundational thinker of Latin Christianity, believed that females were created by God to be inferior to the superior male gender. Augustine never believed that a female could rep resent God, because being male is a symbol of â€Å"rationality and spirituality† while being female symbolizes â€Å"the body and the material world† (Ruether). However, Augustines views of women becomes complicated when he speaks of reproduction and sex. Augustine believed that sex without being married was a sin and those who use contraception while having sexual intercourse, whether being married or not, was â€Å"mere fornication† (Ruether). This belief has carried to Catholic teachings today, and thisShow MoreRelatedA Study Of Religion Through The Lens Of Mary Daly And Gayatri Spivak1371 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction to the Study of Religion Prof. Ken Derry TA: Robbie Kennedy Masked Patriarchy and Androcentrism: Through the lens of Mary Daly and Gayatri Spivak By: Yara Raid Mahmoud Abuhudra 1001590272 October 18, 2014 Word Count: 1300 Rikza Mazhar: culture Christ The king Roman Catholic Church Yara Abuhudra: gender 3495 Confederation Parkway, Mississauga, ON L5B 3G5 Recently, I have been interested in a multitude of religions and their devoteesRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1161 Words   |  5 Pagesis utilized to highlight the contrast in treatment between individuals from diverse groups when one group is purposefully treated†¦ 1. 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