Monday, October 21, 2019

Relationship Between Stress and Smiling

Relationship Between Stress and Smiling Free Online Research Papers Investigation 1 hypothesis: In the present study I wanted to test the relationship between stress and the number of smiles because, based on what we learned in class, I expect there to be negative correlation between the variables. I predict that, as stress increases the number of smiles I give will decrease because in chapter 1 it gives the example of a student who studies more will decrease in parting with friends. See figure 1 for a scatter plot of these two variables. Investigation 1 results: according to the scatter plot, the variables seem to be negative though strongly correlated. It appears that stress and smiles (given) are related. This may be due to a number of factors, like I recorded my variables at the same exact time each class period (11:20a.m.), making sure I had a consistent recording time that did not affect my variables. Investigation 1 discussion: The results suggest a negative relationship between the variables of interest. This was stronger than expected and could be because of the consistent time recording my variables and setting a phone alarm to make sure I recorded at that exact time. As a person with respect to the variables is why I may have a stronger correlation compared to someone who does not respect the variables. Some may say that due to my irregular sleep may case for my stress to differ therefore change my smile (given) variable. Overall, I believe there is a negative correlation between these variables for most people, and while it did show up for me, my consistency in recording as well as keeping track of my personal variable strengthen the relationship for me. Investigation 2 hypothesis: For my second investigation, I predict a positive correlation between variables: sleep and mood. As I get more sleep each night, my mood improves tremendously. In class we discussed the relationship between getting proper sleep and overall well being. When you are well rested you have a tendency to be in a better mood and have a better day. The better I sleep, the more attentive I am in class and less easily irritated I am. Also, we talked about how sleep can give you more energy inter having a better mood. See Figure 2 for a scatter-plot of these variables. Investigation 2 results: According to the scatter-plot, my hypothesis appears to have been supported. The variables are closely linked and travel in a positive direction. As my hours of sleep increase, my mood improves. When I get fewer hours of sleep, my mood scores are lower. Investigation 2 discussion: I expected this relationship, and I believe it is true of most people, not just me. Sleep helps you to have more energy and relax, which improves your mood. I was very consistent in recording my variables, which caused this relationship to be strong on the chart. However, because the relationship was expected and is probably true to most people, I do consider this a great concern because more people would get more done on the job and in school. It is interesting to examine variables that exist within me and see that they are related in some meaningful way. Research Papers on Relationship Between Stress and SmilingResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseStandardized TestingInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Fifth HorsemanThree Concepts of PsychodynamicComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and

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