Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Michael Moores Bowling for Columbine Essay -- Films Movies Michael Mo

Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine In Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore, an award winning writer and director takes a look at some of the many social problems that plague America to this day. Moore starts his documentary by briefly talking about the Columbine High School shooting and then moves on to discuss things that may have truly been a factor in some the aggression that the two students so aggressively took out on their peers. Many issues are talked about in this movie including but not limited to: The Oklahoma City bombing, the presence of a leading tactical weapons provider located near the small town of Littleton, and many others. Not all of the things brought up in the film directly relate to the incidents at Columbine High School but rather provide a broader idea on the state of America today. Issues of the white man's ever growing fear of the African-American are traced back to the roots and then brought into ideas applicable to present day. Along with such ideas, the main point of this film is th e influence of government and the media to instill fear in our people as a whole. Moore is somewhat of an extremist but brings his points to the surface in a way that people can relate with and understand. After seeing this film I walked out of the movie theatre feeling more enlightened on some of the political topics at hand in this country and I agree wholly with what Mr. Moore has to say on these issues. Michael Moore, as mentioned before, is a controversial writer/director that aims at bringing topics to light that are either overlooked or ignored by the American people. He has previously released films that bring to light, the corporate leaders of America and their ability to get away with just ab... ...e tone of sarcasm that he presents his views, it almost brings about a sense of seriousness, as you know that what he said is in a sense somewhat amusing but not laughable. When something like that is presented the only thing left for you to do is to think about what is being said. Moore is an influential person that knows how to deliver a point and when he has said what he has to say you will sit back and ponder his ideas for sometimes days, if not weeks. Moore takes a film that would seem to focus on one particular incident and broaden it to the problems that plague America as a whole today. This film was one of the most thought provoking insightful pieces of work that I have seen in a long time. Source Bowling For Columbine. Michael Moore, Charles Bishop & Charles Donovan. Theatre Film. United Artists, Alliance Atlantis, and Dog Eat Dog Films, 2002.

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